Cookies policy

  • What are cookies. Brief explanation about the mission carried out by the cookies on a website. Las cookies son:«small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page for the correct functioning and viewing of the websites by the user, as well as the collection of statistics».
  • What are they used for?. Clear and detailed explanation of the purpose for which we use the cookies on our website, whether they are cookies of follow up, that store information about users and that allow analyzing a user's behavior; o cookies advertising that allow the management of advertising spaces (frequency and content of ads), among others that were detailed in the article mentioned above.
  • Who installs them. In addition to what they are used for, we must indicate who installs the cookies on the user's computer., either the owner of the portal or third parties or companies. For example, We can see on the Inteco website the information that is collected and its purpose for each of the cookies., more specifically for the Google Analytics.

Imagen descripcion politica de cookies de INTECO

  • How they are rejected. This aspect is perhaps the most practical and technical. We must make a small explanation of how you can reject the cookies of our website regardless of the browser the user uses. To do this, the most common thing is to make a small guide with screenshots of the most popular browsers where it is specified how to reject and eliminate the cookies. As an example, we add to this post some screenshots of the status of the cookies in Chrome y Firefox, the two most popular browsers.

Captura de pantalla Configuración de cookies - Google Chrome

Settings cookies Google Chrome

Captura de pantalla Eliminar cookies - Google Chrome

Eliminate cookies Google Chrome

Captura de pantalla Gestión de cookies – Mozilla Firefox

Management cookies Mozilla Firefox

Also continuing with the practical example, Let's analyze the policy of cookies which we have on our website. Included in the «legal warning», the policy appears cookies which includes the cookies that are installed, the kind of cookie, the temporality, the ownership, the purpose and domains in which it is used. Additionally, a section appears on how to modify the configuration of the cookies where the steps to follow in the four most popular browsers are indicated: Iinternet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome y Safari.